Discipleship in Being Led by Holy Spirit

Dewayne Freeman

Sunday, December 11, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


We have been talking about being led by Holy Spirit and I mentioned during this particular lesson that God’s Word alone is not enough to live a fulfilled life. I did not say it was not enough to live. I said it wasn’t enough to live a fulfilled life, we need His voice also.

  • God’s general will is in the Bible
  • His detailed will is in His voice

It amazes me that you can have a book and enjoy the book it has shown you some things and increased some things in your life. Then you meet the author. What would you rather have, the book or the book and the author? You want the book and the author because there are some things you may be reading but you may not understand, but with the author there you can lean over, and ask the author what were you thinking about when you wrote this. I am telling you God loves you and I so much that He sent the author of the book (The Holy Spirit), and He has created a spot in you and me that if we said yes to Jesus, the author can be your personal guide.


Listen to me you all, Jesus was not successful because He was the Son of God, He was successful because He only said what He heard His Father say.

1 Corinthians 10:11 (NKJV)

  • 11 they were written for our admonition (instruction)
  • You want the author and the book

John.12:49 NIV

  • Jesus wasn’t successful because He was The Son of God
  • He was successful because He only said what He heard the Father say
  • Jesus was a student of the word, but He was led by the same Spirit

The CSB translation reads I have not spoken on my own, but the Father himself who sent me has given me a command to say everything I have said. Now that’s something because Jesus said, I am going to leave and when I leave, I will send another just like me. But this one I am going to send He’s going to give you a greater advantage because not only will He be with you, He will be in you. Come on say, He’s in me! Now if He is in you, He’s in you to be your personal navigation system. Now it’s amazing because when I am in my car and set a destination in my navigation system and I sit still the navigation, the girl, won’t talk to me. Watch this because the navigation doesn’t guide parked cars.


If you’re not moving, it’s not designed to guide objects that are not moving. Jesus, the Holy Spirit is your personal navigation system, Holy Spirit only guides moving people. Because Holy Spirit only leads people that follow.


And Jesus has sent The Holy Spirit Who knows everything about everything to be our guide. He’s like Our personal navigation system.


For example, when my car is not moving google maps/ Waze stop talking/leading The Holy Spirit leads people who are following Him


John 10:27 (KJV)

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

The word know in this verse means an intimate relationship, not just I know her, or him. It is intimate, and they do what? Follow me. Notice Jesus said my sheep, you know Jesus knows the difference between a sheep and a lamb because He told Peter, Peter feed my lamb, Peter feed my sheep. Notice He didn’t say my lambs, Jesus said my sheep. My sheep hear my voice, my sheep. The mature ones, the ones who have an intimate relationship. The ones who embrace my Word when I am talking. Because there are some people when the Word of God is being shared, they got other things on their minds. How can you embrace something, and you got your mind focused on something else? But Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice and I know them.” How you know them Jesus because they are following me. If you are following Him, you are a sheep. If you are not following Him, you are a lamb!

Now if I ask people if they are a sheep or lamb most people will say they are a sheep. But now you may be a sheep when it comes to your financial arena but not when it comes to your marriage. So, you got to break your life down into sections, and don’t try to take a brush and brush your whole life with one brush. You got to be able to identify whether you are a lamb in this particular area. Your attitude is off the chart, you go from zero ten in a lick-a-de split, everybody knows, when you walk in a room the whole room quiets down because you walked in. Everybody having fun and then you walk in, everybody just shut up and gets quiet because they don’t want you to go off. Do you know why? Because you are a little lamb, baaa! Until you address your attitude in that area you will never become a sheep in that area.


Proverbs 4:12 TPT

  • When you don’t come along with Him, your progress will have limits (boundaries)


I saw this and this thing just jumped off at me your progress, that means your forward movement, your increase has no ceiling. He said if you come along with me so that means if you don’t come along with Him your progress will have limits, restrictions, and boundaries because you are not coming along with Him. There are some people who get some progress, but you are not getting the progress God really wants you to have because you have some restrictions because you not listening to His voice. You know the Bible says to give, but the voice is trying to tell you how much to give at this particular time, but you don’t want to hear the voice, you think that’s the devil. When it comes to loving your wife and loving your husband, I don’t care if they are misbehaving, you misbehaved and the voice told Jesus to still love you, so why you can’t love your spouse? You shut down shop, you put her on punishment. You give them mercy sex. You sure don’t deserve it, but I am going to give it to you anyway. Baaa! Baaa! You little lamb.


Wisdom and understanding is the reward of those who have ears to hear, Listening is the seed for Learning.


2023 is going to be a year of Demonstration of the Word and Manifestation of The Spirit

Luke 8:18 (NKJV)

  • Knowledge isn’t free, you must pay- attention.


Matthew 22:5 (NKJV)

  • I have learned through Observation

Most believers are doing life in their own ability, and that’s why most are struggling.

1 Corinthians 2:9-12 (KJV)

9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

10 But God hath revealed [them] unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

When God speaks to you, He has more than just you on His mind.


Genesis 7:1 (NKJV)

  • Noah didn’t have a bible, but he had God’s voice
  • How do you build an ark like that, without following His voice
  • No windows on side of the ark to see out of, one door on the side, no steering wheel, or oar


Noah built an ark from what he heard and obeyed.

Hearing is the beginning of building.

1 Then the LORD said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.

2 You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female.


Genesis 7:16 (NKJV)

16 So those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the LORD shut him in.

Genesis 8:15-17 (NKJV)

  • God spoke to Noah
  • Go out of the ark
  • Bring out with you every living thing


Noah was able to save his family from what he heard and obeyed.

We are enjoying life from what Jesus heard and obeyed and built a spiritual ark that saves men from sin.

Pastor Mike said he prays for the Lord to increase his hearing.

We are living in, growing, and enjoying life from what Pastor Mike heard and obeyed.

Jesus, now He got to be the ark. He is the modern-day ark. There were only two arks in the Old Testament, Noah’s ark, and when God by His spirit told Moses’s Mother how to create an ark and she put Moses in that ark. Watch this, she wasn’t just thinking about herself, she was thinking about a baby. She didn’t know that God had more than just her and a baby on His mind. God had all the children of Israel in mind. The child that was placed in the ark would protect the Jewish community, and his mother was the one to release that thing. And that same baby she put in that ark was the same baby that came back and delivered them out of Pharaoh’s house.

Me and Rick Thomas were talking and sharing some things then suddenly, I heard that voice, I said, Rick, you know something, you and me right now are enjoying this office. We are learning and growing in this ministry. The reason we are learning and growing in this ministry is that one man heard something. He heard something and he acted on what he heard, and he built something, and God had more than just him on His mind. God had all of us on His mind, watch this, when He was speaking to that one man. God was speaking to that one man and God had more than just him on his mind God had you on His mind, and peoples’ lives are being transformed and changed because one man heard something, and he acted on what he heard. And he built something, and you and I are sitting in a place that faith and a man built.

Now my question to you is this, what are you building from what you’ve heard and acted on that’s causing the people around you to enjoy life, increase in their life, increase in their marriage, increase in their body? What have you built? I know we can thank God for Jesus, we can thank God for Noah, we can thank God for Moses, we can thank God for Pastor Mike but there ought to be a time when somebody will thank God for you! What are you building? Are you still going around in circles in your marriage about something that’s not even worth fussing about? What are you building or are you sitting in here confused about some spent money? The money already spent, how are you going to change that?


Instead set up parameters that we won’t be in that position again. But you can’t do it because you are so full of yourself and when you full of you, Holy Spirit can’t speak to you. The voice (Holy Spirit) will never speak to anybody that can’t give Him their undivided attention.


What are you building that your family can enjoy, that your children can sit around the table and say, God, I want to thank you for Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad built a life, and they are showing me some things that when I grow up, I can make better choices in life. Because Mom and Dad lived the Word, and they built something.


I looked into my father’s eyes one week before he transitioned, and he said to me Dewayne I am so proud of you. You all have taken ministry to a place I couldn’t even comprehend. He said I look at you all and thank God for you. Then I looked him in the face and said, Dad, I thank God for you, because you gave me the advantage in life. I never saw my mother and father argue, they did argue but said they made a pact that they would not argue in front of the children. So, without them telling me I had already created an image in my mind of what I wanted, I wanted that. At my friends’ houses, I saw their parents cussing at each other fussing and fighting and throwing stuff at each other. I would go home, and I would never see that. I said to myself that’s what I want. He gave me something to be able to choose from and I would go out with some women, and you can look fine all day long, but their mouth went yap, yap, yap, bla, bla, bla; my mind would say, getaway, getaway. Then I met Lisa and she got to talking and I got to talking and I said that’s it right there! He helped me with my picking. You know why because he built something. He built something from what he heard and what he acted on that caused me to enjoy life now.


Now I am asking you this question, what have you built from what you have heard. You come in here and you hear the Word, people would love to be in your position to sit under the man of God that we have, they would love to be in your position.


Everybody doesn’t have a man of God and a woman of God like we do. They don’t have a person that has integrity and love people, you don’t have that all over this globe. People would love to sit in your seat. Some of you come in here and take it for granted as if this is the norm, but this isn’t the norm. God brought you here because


God wanted you to hear something and when God wants you to hear something He has more than just you on His mind. If you would just obey, and build something, you will see people in your own environment and your own culture change.


Luke 6:47-48

Says who ever come to me and hearth my sayings and doeth them will build things that will last.


  • Who is living, growing, and enjoying life, from what you heard and built
  • And if you can’t think of anyone, Why
  • What is hindering you from believing and behaving on what you heard?


Exodus 3:2-4 (KJV)

Proverbs 4:20-24 (KJV)

  • Attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.


God wants to speak to you, but He doesn’t have your attention.

I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth that the Spirit of the living God stirs you up like never before to get your ears open to hear the Holy Spirit because He has a life that will blow your mind. If God was to open your eyes right now and allow you to see a third of what He has already prearranged, every one of us would faint right in our seat because we would not believe that God loves us that much.


God wants to give you an advantage in life, and you can have it if you listen to the one that is on the inside of you.