General Ministry Information
The Partnership Services Department works closely with the FCC Events Department and the Creative Team to provide information and updates regarding all FCC Events, as well as some key events in the community. As FCC continues to thrive and grow at a phenomenal rate, the channels of communication will be enhanced to ensure that our Partners are aware of everything that is happening in and around our ministry family. The Partnership Services Department is responsible for the ministry calendar and coordinating events amongst the almost 50 Ministry of Leaders (MOL) departments that operate for the benefit of the partnership and the community.
The Partnership Services Department is also responsible for the management of the FCC Ministry Database. Our database platform, is a single point of information for partner records, ministry involvement, MOL department communications, events, and much more! It is very important for all partners to keep their personal data accurate so that they are included in all relevant communications.
Even as our ministry family continues to grow, the partnership will continue to experience the care and concern of Pastor Mike through the Partnership Services Department. The personal ministry that Partnership Services provides, during the most critical and enjoyable times in a partner’s life, is an extension of God’s love expressed through our Pastor and those who have been assigned to assist him in this vision. We will not allow size or the magnitude of Faith City Central, in any way, decrease our commitment to meeting the spiritual needs of our partners.

The purpose of partnership (membership) in a local ministry is to be in a position where you can be taught the Word of God and grow spiritually. We find in Ephesians 4:11 that ministry gifts were given, so that Believers will mature. It is our goal to minister to you in such a way that you will continue to mature in the things of God.

How To Get The Most Out Of Partnership
You can get the most out of your partnership at Faith City Central by understanding your purpose for being a partner. When the partnership appeal was made, our commitment to you was to provide the necessary staff to meet your spiritual needs. Also, we are committed to stand before you anointed to teach you the things of God in a manner in which you may both understand and apply them. We have fellowship opportunities, but unfortunately, we cannot force you to participate. It has to be your choice to take advantage of these opportunities; it has to be your commitment. In worship services, Bible studies and various other fellowship opportunities that are provided, you will meet and develop relationships with other Believers in the ministry. It is very important that you surround yourself with people who have decided to give and commit their lives to Christ.
How to Make an Appointment
To make any appointment, simply call our office at (301) 630-3733, Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm to speak with our reception staff and provide your contact information for the FCC Minister who will be assigned to minister to you. If you are calling after hours, a member of the Pastoral Staff is on call 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, 365-days a year. If ministry is what you desire and need, then any minister on the staff can share the Word of God with you for your particular situation.
Personal Ministry
In this life, you will experience challenges. When you have challenges (problems) and need personal ministering (advice), either the Senior Pastor or a FCC Minister will be available to minister to you. The Senior Pastor is only one person and therefore, his time is limited. If you cannot schedule a time that is mutually agreeable to meet with him, you will then be referred to a capable FCC Minister. Our FCC Ministers are able to minister to whatever need you may have. Everything discussed in these ministry sessions is held in the highest confidence.
Maintaining Your Connection with FCC
Even as God has inspired you to connect with Pastor Freeman and the Vision of FCC, you may experience a personal challenge or a challenge with the ministry or your fellow partners. Don’t allow anything or anyone to change your God inspired connection. Please reach out to Partnership Services so that any/all challenges can be resolved and restore focus on the Vision that has been given to us by God.