What Drives a Man to Go to Hell?

Resurrection Sunday, April 17, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


The impetus of my teaching is to make teachers. (Hebrews 5:12 NKJV)

Today’s question: What drives a man to go to hell?

It is the same thing that drives a man to go to heaven that drives a man to hell.

Eph 4:8-10 (NKJV)

  • He first descended into the lower parts of the earth (that’s considered hell)
  • Hell was never intended for you and I (born again believers)
  • Hell was intended for Satan and all the fallen angels
  • Jesus was already in the plan to bridge the gap of what separated Man from God

Pastor Dewayne: “In the heart and mind of God, He always wants us to be reminded of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Today [this event] is one of the highest events on the Christian calendar.”

Dr. DeeDee: “In the natural, we always want to be reminded that certain people love us by hearing them say, “I love you!” but we don’t want to be reminded of this (the story of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection).”

Reminders reinforce things that we need to know.

What drives a man to go to hell is “LOVE”. The only thing that drove Jesus to hell was “LOVE”. I don’t know anyone who would go to hell for me. Typically, everyone that went to hell never came out. But Jesus went for us.

Pastor Dewayne: “The power to define is the power to fulfill. If you can’t define it, then you will not be able to fulfill it. Some people would go to hell for a particular person, but nobody would go for everybody. Jesus went for everybody, not just one person. You would have to understand agape to consider going to hell. Most people won’t even die for another person because they don’t understand this agape love.

The sinner man doesn’t want to go to hell because he doesn’t believe there is a hell. If they had a reality check and knew there is a real hell, nobody would want to go to hell.

The sinner man does not understand that sin will send you to hell.”

Dr. DeeDee: “If you don’t see yourself in the scripture, you will never have the identity of the scripture in you. I live in the scripture and when I’m reading it, I see myself in it and how it relates or applies to my life. I think about God and how He soooooo loved us that He gave up His only Son. I have a son, and no matter how perfect or imperfect, I would not give my son up for any of you. It would have to be an Abraham kind of deal… there would have to be a ram in the bush.

Lisa and I were having a conversation and we were saying how we couldn’t say that we love God more than we loved you guys (Pastor Mike and Pastor Dewayne). As you mature and develop your relationship with God, you learn that He is the source of your satisfaction. When you learn the totality of  who God is you will embrace that love; it will keep you solid and connected and you will not drift away because you will always be reminded of this love (agape) that we are sharing with you on today.”

Pastor Dewayne: “Its two dynamics in this. Not only did God say, I will give my only begotten Son, but the Son also decided to lay down His life for everyone. That’s love.”

Both sons had say so…Isaac said, “Father, the wood, the fire…” Jesus said, “If there be another way to get this accomplished…” But both Father’s had something in common, they had confidence knowing that if I sow this son, I will receive many sons in exchange.

Here is what was lacking in the statement that you and Lisa made. There is a greater reality of the person that you are with of their love than what you have with God. The only reason that you all came to that conclusion was that your relationship with Dewayne and me was more real than your relationship with God.

Pastor Dewayne: “Dr. DeeDee and Lisa were so consumed with the temporary love that we were giving them that they didn’t understand or receive the love that God had for them. I wonder how many people are consumed with the temporary pleasure they have now that’s blocking them from the revelation of the love God has for them?”

Dr. DeeDee: “The sad part about that is that it is a false depiction of love. Your picture of love should come from (God) to be demonstrated in your relationships here on earth”.

Fathers should give their children an understanding of their relationship with God. The whole plan was to get Himself in your house. How? By getting Himself in your Daddy. When the Father did not exemplify Him (Jesus) it sent her to me broken. Your Daddy should be able to define love like your heavenly Father.


Minister Lisa: “If you do not have a constant, consistent, and committed understanding of a relationship with God, you cannot do relationships with your spouse, kids, friends, or anyone. Your relationship with God will teach you how to have relationships with everyone else.”

Who is best qualified to define love? God is best qualified to define love.

Many are loving their families with their own definition of love and not God’s. Where did you get your definition from? God did not create love. God is love. (1 John 4:8)

Pastor Dewayne: You want to get your definition of love from God. God is the only one that cannot lie. How many people are living below their means and misrepresenting God because of the wrong definition of love?

4 types of love are defined from the scripture

  1. Eros (directly connected to lust)
  2. Storge (family love)
  3. Phileo (brotherly love)
  4. Agape (Godkind of love; love despite everything else in life) John 13:34-35 (NKJV) We should become love children of a love God

I will continue to provide you all with two things… precept and example of the Word of God. Philippians 4:9 (NKJV)

Homework: What can you do in honor of this celebration?

    • Do a welfare check: Check on another partner pick up the phone and contact them; or contact them through the Realm platform.