Discipleship in Faith

Sunday, February 13, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


“By Now You Should Be Teachers”

  • Observation during this season of the pandemic: Christians had a greater allegiance to the “building” instead of the Bible. It was the building that kept this relationship with Jesus. Do not confuse coming to the building with a relationship with Jesus. Anyone can come to the building and NOT know Jesus!
  • Some corresponding actions must go along with purposing to live your best life in your heart. I am committed to your success. Furthermore, I am also taking a didactic (instructive) approach. I will be more instructional, informative, and educational because I am teaching you to become teachers.
  • Any leaders (teachers) that are not making leaders (teachers) is not much of a leader (teacher) at all!
  • Aristotle said: “To know is to do… but to understand is to teach”
  • Three Master Keys that will allow you to walk in Agape:
    • Make Jesus Lord
    • Deny Yourself
    • Be Led by Holy Spirit
  • We must be teaching our families the Word of God. If you do not instruct and train your families, the world will. If you do not teach/train your family, you put your family at a disadvantage when they leave the home. You do not have the right to correct what you did not train.
  • Whatever you refuse to train, you do not have the right to complain.
  • By being a believer, you are already Holy by virtue of what Jesus did.
    • Your behavior should translate holiness based upon your connection with Jesus.

MAJOR POINTS: I am equipping you, so that when you leave and go out to your homes, workplace, school, etc. you will be well equipped.

  • Remember you have a work of ministry beyond the building!
  • The Body of Christ grows because of your ministry to the world. We are the salt… wherever you go you should be spreading (shaking the salt).
  • There is a harvest coming… we are preparing NOW for our next. Awake from out of your sleeping place. The true believers will stand out. We must maximize our moments. Stand fast… Lead with your life and not with your mouth.
  • Let’s give them something to talk about! Let you witness be done by your LIFE, not by your mouth!
  • Do what I do… Don’t just applaud my progress and ignore my PROCESS!

A Personal Moment:

I was sharing a meal with Mom and Dad Wooten around the dinner table. Mom Wooten, at almost 90 years of age, was sharing the Word. The Legacy that was present shows… I cannot leave out “what” I have, I can only leave you “who” I am! You must see me as I am. Let’s not miss a moment of sharing with our families, especially around the dinner table. Have your family meetings and share the Word of God with your family members.

Scripture Review:

  • Proverbs 12
  • 1 John 4 *Remember to read this chapter in its entirety with your family*
  • Ephesians 4:11 (The Passion Translation)


  • What is Faith?
  • What do you believe?
  • What is the Law of Faith?