Discipleship in Reconciliation

Sunday, June 5, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


The Word of the Lord last week was to stop caring about your hurt. Stop nursing the pain. Don’t care any longer about that situation. Let it go…finally. When you hear the thing trying to come up again, address it with the Word, ‘for it is written my sins be forgiven in Jesus’ name and I am made whole. Put a praise on it right there!

I don’t want you to live and die without fulfilling God’s intent for having you here. So, all these lessons are a part of building what was in the mind of God concerning me because you have a ministry, and this world needs your ministry. This is specifically designed to bring you into a place where you now walk into your own ministry. You are the product of the purpose of God. And if you read back from 2 Cor 5:14, He says since you have this new life, you ought to no longer live this life for yourself.

Dr. DeeDee: When you think about purpose, fulfillment always comes out of purpose, and a lot of times, people sit back and wonder why am I here, what am I called to do, what am I supposed to do? So, for you to help us to identify our purpose brings about fulfillment. I’m so grateful for this lesson and him giving us directions on where we’re headed and what we are called to do and for building us up for the work of the ministry that God has placed on the inside of us. Some of you are sitting back thinking a new house is going to fulfill you, a new car is going to fulfill you, a husband is going to fulfill you, and children are going to fulfill you. No, fulfillment only comes from purpose. I have all that stuff, but once I found out my purpose on the earth, it brought about fulfillment. The law of diminishing return says that when something ceases to accomplish what you wanted it to from the beginning, you always search for something else. So, it is always important for you to understand purpose because fulfillment in life only comes through purpose. The other stuff is just a benefit.

Please scan to view this week’s service again!

I pray that you hurry up and get all your stuff so you can find out how empty it really is, how void of fulfillment it really is. That’s why millionaires can put a bullet in their heads. They have everything that you think will create fulfillment in life, but they aren’t.


2 Cor 5:17 20

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not [a]imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf to be reconciled to God.

Your ministry is the ministry of reconciliation. My role is to equip you for your ministry so that you will build and grow the body.

Eph 4:12 (TPT)

And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this, they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ.

Say I have my own ministry of reconciliation. When I go, I go, therefore, to preach the gospel, to teach and make disciples. So, you are no longer just what you do in your field, but you are a minister/dentist, minister/entrepreneur, minister/electrician, minister/accountant, etc. So, you are in what is commonly referred to as a field. Jesus once asked his disciples to look out into the field. They are ripe unto harvest. Every time you go to work, you have entered your field.

You’re not just there to get a job done based upon what you have been hired for. You are there to get a job done based upon what you are called for. So, God will give you the wisdom and the insight on how you should minister and use your pulpit to cause me to come to Jesus Christ.

Pastor played a video of a father who displayed the love of God and forgave a man that murdered his son.

What capacity of love must you possess? How do you get to a place where you love someone who has murdered your son and then extend your hand, pull him to you and embrace him? The guy who took your child. What manner of love is this?

Some of us can’t even forgive people who’ve hurt our feelings, and here you have a man, a devout Muslim, understanding some things about reconciliation and forgiveness to the degree that he puts the blame on the right person the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but folks, we are going after one another in the body of Christ. We’ve got some growing up to do. We’ve got some reconciling to do, even as it relates to the word of God in our lives, as we reconcile until God. Just don’t stop at salvation; work on those perspectives that are diametrically opposed to the order of God, where you are still holding grudges for offenses even far less than his. How many of you are going to love like that father in the video? You are the carriers of this agape. What breaks on the inside of individuals that you release this agape to, but you withhold it because of how you feel? The same love that He has bestowed upon you to release you from all the offenses that you’ve committed against Him.

Dr. DeeDee: It’s so liberating to love as God loves.

And, it’s so easy. It’s only hard because you haven’t been doing it. The more you do it, the easier it will be done. And it’s not difficult; it’s just different. Your perspective has held you in bondage. Now, you have to trade in that old perspective. For, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. So, you must begin to rethink how you’ve been thinking. Now you are a Christian, and there’s a new way of approaching life.

Dr. DeeDee: It is work, but it doesn’t have to be hard work. A lot of people weren’t raised in Christianity to think like Christ.

Pastor Dewayne: It’s amazing when you look at scenarios like this; we look at it from a different point of view than what God really wants us to look at sometimes. Like Apostle Paul calls all the stuff that he went through “light afflictions.” How in the world can you look at all he’s been through and call it light afflictions? I’ve never experienced some of the stuff and don’t want to experience it, but I call my stuff heavy, and he called his light? He said something amazing. He said, for we look not at the things that are seen, but we look at the things that are unseen. You know that father (in the video) was looking at some things that weren’t seen. He was able to look behind the scenes instead of staying on the scene, and I think it’s hard for so many people to do that because they are so consumed with what happened on the scene. You have to get behind the scene to be able to do what that father did.

You’re going to see in our lesson how Joseph had to look behind the scene to address the scene. And many of us, the way we approach things in life, are more captivated, or should I say more distracted, by what we see (with our eyes) as opposed to what we see (with our heart).

Pastor Dewayne: You know when you were talking, and Dr. DeeDee read the scripture “if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away and look all things are become new,” if you don’t really master letting go of the old things, God’s system will not allow you to receive the new things that He’s already prearranged for you to have and walk-in if you keep holding on to the bad things. Because you’ve failed to recognize what he said – that you’ve been reconciled. With reconciliation, you said that there is resurrection and there’s a restoration, and you will never experience that resurrection life, that power; you’ll never receive restoration if you don’t let go of the past.

Dr. DeeDee: No, that’s powerful because even this morning, we were praying for people to let go of the past; they couldn’t even really receive total healing in their body, which has already been given to them. God has already called you to be healed. Jesus went to the cross so we could be healed and walk in divine health. But, yet, because people won’t let go of the past, won’t forgive, and won’t allow God to minister to their soul, they hold on to stuff, and you don’t realize that your body is creating stuff.

We blame the devil for everything. ‘The devil made me sick.’ We think it’s somebody else. We blame somebody else, but the scripture says, ‘for we wrestle not again flesh and blood…’. And when we realized that, then we can walk in and embrace everything that God has given unto us. But, if you insist on doing life your way, you won’t have God’s life the way he designed us to have it.

In your evolution, you have absorbed worldly perspectives that have governed your decision-making. Now, when you come into Christ, it’s commanded of you to rethink your thoughts.

It is vitally important that you understand the three major keys and principles that I’ve given you to live by, to walk in agape and honor because the letter killeth, but the spirit makes alive.

 Making Jesus Lord

Deny yourself

Be led by Holy Spirit

When you don’t deny yourself, you are perpetually allowing your feelings to cast a ballot. Don’t let your feelings have a vote.

Pastor Dewayne: I enjoy what you are doing because you are giving us principles to live by. Most people like ‘feel good’ but feeling good doesn’t make you study, it doesn’t make you dig in, but they don’t understand that ‘feel good’ doesn’t move the bottom line. It’s the principles of God that you practice that will release the power that will remove that bottom line. And if we don’t become one with this Word, what you do today, you’re going to actually live in tomorrow, and you’re going to blame God for your not paying attention to some future thing that God already knew you had the assignment to fulfill.

And this moment now is designed to cover you later, and you’re sitting in the moment of your liberty, so sober up, people of God. Be attentive. Lean in. Your predecessors had limitations, but your seed’s seed shall be great among you.

God is pleading through us as he was pleading through Jesus. There’s a better way of living.

Gen 45, 50:12

God doesn’t have to take you through evil to get you to good. God is not a co- conspirator with Satan.

Resurrection is a type of reconciliation because you can cause a dead thing to come alive.


Homework Assignment:

  • Talk out a point that you took away from the lesson this week no later than Monday.
  • Study the lesson from Wednesday, June 1, 2022, Noonday Bible Study
  • Have your family meeting on the 15th of each month