Discipleship in Faith

Sunday, January 16, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


Just like the Apostle Paul, I have received something of the Lord, and I have delivered it unto you. – 1 Corinthians 15:1

There is no greater reward, satisfaction, compensation, or reciprocation with respect to this exchange of pastoring people; especially when the people can share with you precisely what you have delivered unto them.

We are working on taking it to the next place/level. Aristotle said, “Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach”. It is so important for me to get you all to understand that it is time for you to become teachers.

Let me remind you of 2 Peter 1:12-13. Just as Peter said, as long as I am in this tent with you, it is necessary, it is meet, it is my responsibility and Pastoral duty to stir you up by reminding you. Though you know these things and are established in them, I want to keep reminding you. I want to keep bringing this up just to make you aware of the fact that you may be stuck in your relationship with the Word concerning how the gospel should be spread. Therefore, if I keep this before you, if I keep bringing this up, you will embrace this revelation and understanding and make it a part of your daily regiment or routine.

Hebrews 5:12 (NKJV)

  • By now you should be teaching. This is the part that should shake you or shame you. I am not an advocate of shame, but if the truth is told and the truth should be told we should be a lot further along than we are. You know that you should be a lot further along in the productivity of the abundant life that Jesus went to hell for you to have.
  • Ministering to people of the ministry does not count. While some may need your assistance, they will not count as your 2 in 2022.
  • You should have one statement from my teachings that you use as you are ministering to someone.
  • Know the difference between witnessing, soul-winning and discipleship
    • Witnessing-someone testifying about something they have heard seen or experienced.
    • Soul-winning-helping someone to change their mind (saved or unsaved)
    • Discipleship– the process from beginning to end of making a disciple.
  • You need to move from being taught to being a teacher. It is time to get off the milk.

You may want me to move on, but you haven’t embraced this. Why should you be advanced to another grade if you haven’t done this. It is my God-given responsibility to know the state of flock and until there is a witness as to where you are I will continue to stir you up by reminding you.

Challenge yourselves. Everyone should be having their family meetings on the 15th of each month.

Hebrews 5:13 (NKJV)

  • You are a baby when you need immediate supervision/level
  • You are a baby when we can’t let you out on your own for you to fulfill the great commission.

I believe that Faith is the most important subject after being born again.

What is Faith?

If anybody ask you what Faith is, this should be your response:

Faith is the acting on what you believe.

  • Pistis Greek word for Faith
  • If whatever you are describing as faith is absent of action it is not Faith.

The absence of action is the determination of no faith.

  • All the promises of God are received by Faith.
  • The source of your faith determines the quality of your faith.

Mark 11:22-24

  • Special attention to verse 24. When you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
  • If you pray again for the same thing, you didn’t believe that you received and you were not in faith.
  • Asking again is a sign that you didn’t believe you received.

More people in the body of Christ have more faith in fear than they have faith in God… Fear is twisted Faith. Fear is having Faith in Fear, but it’s Faith.

Mark 2:1-6

  • 5 functioning components of faith

Hearing, Believing, Receiving, Acting and Speaking

The Law of Faith (Romans 3:27)

  • The Law Faith is believing and speaking

Examples for the Law of Faith

  • Romans 10:9-14
  • Mark 5:27-34

Remember you are being taught so that you can teach, and if you are not teaching the process is incomplete.

Memory Verses for the Month of January

  • Hebrews 5:12-14


  • Work on getting ‘2 in 2022’ (No one from ministry)
  • Have family meeting on the 15th of each month