Discipleship in Faith

Sunday, February 6, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


What I am noticing is that big-box stores, organizations, and corporations, are electing to come to us. McDonald’s has delivery services; Door Dash, UberEATS – everybody comes to us. In the body of Christ, people are waiting for people to come to them; The great commission still stands, GO!

GO ye into all the world and preach/teach the gospel (Mk 16:15). I am equipping you to go into the world and preach the gospel.

I realized that inside of the [Covid] pandemic was another pandemic; that people had more of a relationship with the building than they did with the Bible. The absence of fellowship with one another removed accountability from your walk. The dispositions and attitudes, that you were set free from, you will find yourself back into without the Word and accountability.

Some of the issues that you entertain today will not be entertained tomorrow if you follow my instructions. Stop waiting! Start working the Laws of the Kingdom of God for yourself.

2 Corinthians 9:7 (NLT)

  • This scripture is specifically talking about giving. I am specifically talking about living.
  • When we understand where life begins, then we will begin to live.
  • The heart of man is the birthplace to his increase and/or decrease
  • Guard your heart with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23)
  • Don’t allow anyone to permeate the birthplace of your increase negatively.

I am going to be focusing on Faith as it relates to Agape

I need you to purpose in your hearts that you are going to live your best life now!

(Come on say that to yourself right now!)

I don’t care where your life has been up until today; after today it’s going to get better (gooder   ) …because where you are now may not be where God has ordained for you to be in life.

There are some corresponding actions that must go along with purposing in your heart to live your best life.

Let me remind you that I am committed to your success. I am also taking a didactic approach. I am being more instructional, informative, and educational because I am teaching you to become teachers.

Hebrews 5:12

  • For BY NOW you ought to be teachers

“Those who know do. Those that understand teach.” Aristotle

I’ve discovered that growth and comfort cannot occupy the same space. That’s why this year, I am going to check you, charge you, challenge you, and cheer you – to change you.

1 John 4:1-4

  • We are not taking our love lessons from anyone other than Jesus.
    • Not [learning from] social media
    • What others do will not affect my standard or capacity of Agape.

The threshold of identifying someone who possesses the Spirit of Christ is:

  1. They acknowledge that Jesus came in flesh to forgive us of our sins.
  2. There should be some fruit of the Spirit of Christ in them. (Matthew 17:15; John 13:34-35)

Remember we are learning our love lessons from Jesus. John 13:34-35 says to love one another AS HE HAS LOVED US.

If you are not doing this, you do not have a revelation of His love.

What are the 3 master keys for walking in Agape?

(Fill in the blanks)





When was the last time you shared the Bible with your family?


Things to do and know:

  • Sit down with your family and read the entire chapter of 1 John 4 before Sunday, February 13.


  • You should know the answers to these questions:
    • What is faith?
    • What do we believe?
    • What does the Law of Faith say?
    • *If you could not answer these questions, review page 3 of last week’s notes.*
  • The three Master Keys to walking in Agape:
    • Make Jesus Lord
    • Deny Yourself
    • Be Led by Holy Spirit