Discipleship in Faith

Sunday, January 30, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points

Billy’s story was amazing. Because of faithful partners like you, “No Lack Nation,” could do something of that magnitude for him. Look at what we can do when we have one heart and one mind. “No Lack Nation 4321” strikes again! For years, my thought has been, whatever Christians are buying, Christians should be supplying. We see this model in the book of Acts, where they had all things in common and there was no lack among them. I believe that there is a system by which the kingdom of God has established that every need in this ministry can be covered.

If you did not get an opportunity to see Billy’s story,

watch it again on YouTube by clicking here!

When you do not walk in Agape:

  • You will be jealous and not celebrate Billy’s story because you are afraid.
  • Fear produces all sorts of responses from the kingdom of darkness, which will have you outside of the boundary lines of Agape.
  • Although I am talking about faith, you must understand that all the lessons concerning discipleship are baptized in Agape & Honor

Galatians 5:6 TPT

  • Your faith works and expresses itself through love.
  • A lot of people have not gotten the revelation that Agape drives out all fear.
  • When you release Agape towards someone, the Spirit of God will remove every fear of not being complete within yourself.
  • Agape allows you to rejoice with others without fear.
  • Agape protects you so much that you can walk with your enemy and not be afraid.
  • Agape will defend you and disarm your enemy.
  • You can remain confident and see the goodness of the Lord when you are operating in Agape.
  • There is a force that flows out of Agape that many will not encounter because they will not trust the Agape process.
  • Initially walking in Agape sounds easier than it’s done, however, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

John 1:4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

Psalms 27:1: The Lord is My Light and My Salvation, whom shall I fear? …Of whom shall I be afraid?

  • Don’t miss the revelation in this song. If you don’t understand and establish this in your heart and mind, you will walk in fear.
  • When all the medical professionals gave me up for dead, you know what I sang The Lord is My Light and Salvation, whom shall, I fear? Whom shall I be afraid?
  • You must have this revelation long before the attack because you will try to sing this during the storm, and you will not have the footing.

You must see yourself established in this.

John 13:34-35

  • This is the assignment for this entire ministry
  • This is in part the reason why I lived and did not die.
  • Part of my assignment is to unify the body of Christ. Unifying the body of Christ requires “Faith.”
  • You must practice unifying your families first (auntie, nieces, nephews, etc.)
  • As Spirit of Faithians, I am placing this mandate upon you as part your purpose in life: Your assignment to the world is to go about disseminating, sharing, circulating, and declaring the love of Christ.
  • We are not taking our love lessons from other Christians. We are taking our love lessons from Jesus, and Jesus said, for us to love one another as He has loved us.

Question: How has Jesus loved you?

Matthew 5:7-9 These are my top beatitudes

  1. Matthew 5:8
  2. Matthew 5:9
  3. Matthew 5:7

Remember I am teaching you these lessons so that you may become the teacher.

I need you to experience these lessons.

I need you to show me what I’ve said.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show

Your next is going on right now! The next big thing that is going to happen-this now lesson is what’s going to literally get you to cruise your way through what’s up next.

Things we should know:

  • What is faith?
    • Faith is acting on what you believe.
  • What do you believe?
    • We believe the Word of God
  • What does faith say?
    • Faith says, I believe with my mouth and confess with my heart.

Memory Verse: John 13:34-35