Discipleship in Faith

Noon Day Bible Study, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points

Invest in Noon Day Bible Study

I know that you may have things to do, but I am only asking for one hour…In watching the State of the Union address last night, I saw our President making a call for unity – exactly what I am conveying to you as part of the Body of Christ. I am not a Democrat or a Republican, frankly, both will go to hell if they do not receive Jesus.

We can stand together on 2 Chronicles 7:14. This verse outlines ways to be prepared for prayer. The first part of that is recognizing the names of God

  • Psalms 8:1: O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens!
  • He is:
    • Jehovah Jireh- God my provider
    • Jehovah T’sidkenu – God my righteousness
    • Jehovah Rohi – Lord my Shepheard
    • Jehovah Mekadesh- the Lord who sanctifies
    • Jehovah Shammah- The Lord is there
    • Jehovah Rapha- The Lord my Healer & Comforter
    • And others…

Question: If His name is excellent, why are we being so average?

Breakdown of 2 Chronicles 7:14

  • If my people, called by my name (His name is excellent!)
  • Humble themselves
  • Pray
  • Seek His face
  • Turn from their wicked ways

THEN (these preparations must come first)

  • Hear from heaven
  • Forgive their sin
  • Heal their land

Believers must take this authority seriously; This authority does not require effort, it requires understanding! With this authority, your works become irrelevant

  • Democrat/Republican (doesn’t matter)
  • Black/White (doesn’t matter)

Review of John 13:34-35

Remember Jesus’ commandment: Love others as I have loved you

  • Love as Jesus loved (the ACTUAL Gospel)
  • Do not focus on irrelevant differences (the ‘gospel’ according to the flesh)

You do not have to defend yourself; the love of God will defend you and disarm your enemies.

  • Knowing this about His love, you must develop in the 3 keys to master walking in agape!

Ephesians 4:12

  • TPT: And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ.
  • NLT: Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.

I have noticed that a lot of believers had a connection with the building and not their Bibles. They tried to survive off what they had [with the building] but not with their relationship with the Word

  • vs. 12 informs us or lets us in on why… the fivefold ministry gifts are to nurture and prepare the Holy believers for their own works of ministry
  • You have a work! Whatever field you are in you should be raking in the harvest. You are 1st Minister/Accountant; You are 1st Minister/Doctor; 1st Minister/Lawyer
  • God has graced you to nurture
  • You have your own work of ministry…. Say this: I have my “OWN,” work
  • Some people think that ushering, singing, and greeting are the work of the ministry- that’s work to the saints.
  • My role in increasing the church is to increase you. You are to enlarge the church, which will cause it to be built up.
  • When you are equipped, unity is a result.

I heard from a worship leader: “I am depleted.” Because they were not singing or rehearsing, this indicates that there was no relationship with their Bible. You should NEVER be depleted when you have your Bible; You cannot operate on fumes the residue of being in the building.

  • With your phone, you always have the Bible
  • [Do not be distracted by] Reels, Tik Tok, Instagram more than you connect with the Bible.
  • Be like the church at Berea study every day what you’ve heard in the building (Acts 17:11)
  • Remember that the entrance of His word gives life and light (Psalm 119:130)

John 1:1-4 (NKJV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

  • You may have a relationship, but you lack fellowship
  • You will struggle to walk in the light of God’s word if you are listening to someone/something else
  • Don’t be confused because something ‘sounds good’
  • Remember Matthew 13:34-35: ‘As I have loved you’ is not complicated
  • You find yourself to be heartbroken because you are not in the Word. The

    Word say to “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1)

    • Trusting God all your heart allows you to be free from trusting others; Allow him to guide you (Proverbs 3:5-6)

    Matthew 25:1-13

    • 10 Virgins: 5 were wise and 5 were foolish
    • The 5 that were foolish, were not just foolish but they were ill-prepared
    • The 5 wise were also sensible… they were intentional and took extra oil with them
    • When the bridegroom came the 5 that were wise were ready

    Instructions of being ready:

    • The oil is symbolic of the preparation they put into their readiness
    • Only with your eyes will you behold and see the reward of the wicked
      • The outcome of a believer’s life is supposed to be better… but if you are unprepared [you will be challenged in the same way]
      • Non-believers are unprepared because they lack relationship
      • There is no excuse for a believer