Discipleship in Prayer

Sunday, March 13, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


I have been teaching you to become teachers… Here are the notes from two teachers whom I have taught…

Pastor Dewayne Freeman

Pastor Mike has declared this as the month of prayer. We really need to get a revelation and understanding about this thing called prayer.

Pastor Mike says that “the power to define is the power to fulfill; and if you can’t define a thing, it’s impossible for you to fulfill it.” Some can’t fulfill the role of a husband or a wife because they can’t define those roles. Whatever you can’t define you can’t fulfill.


  • The definition of prayer is talking and listening to God
  • Prayer is a way we invite and release God’s power into our everyday affairs.
  • Prayer is a way we can fellowship with and know God.

Prayer has two sides to it

  1. The hand side/power side (When we are just asking God for stuff)
  2. The heart side/person side (We are not asking God for anything)
    1. We want to know what He would have us do.
    2. We ask Him to show us more of Himself so that we can know who we really are

Most people use prayer as a spare tire instead of a steering wheel. Some only pray when it’s an emergency. The loving part about this is when you get to God’s heart, you will get what’s in His hand.

Ephesians 6:18 NKJV, NIV

  • Prayer is supernatural. (You don’t know all the saints)
  • Pray with all kinds of prayer
  • There are different kinds of prayer.
  1. Prayer of Petition
  2. Prayer of Agreement
  3. Prayer of Binding and Loosing
  4. Prayer of Consecration and Dedication
  5. Prayer of Intercession
  6. Prayer of Faith
  7. Prayer of Thanksgiving/Adoration
  8. Praying in the Holy Spirit
  • Because there are different kinds of prayer, there are different rules of engagement to the different kinds of prayer.
  • When you don’t know the rules of prayer you can be called out on a technicality.

Prayer of Intercession

  • Intercession in and of itself is not prayer but when you add God to it…it becomes the prayer of intercession.
  • Intercessory Prayer is standing in the gap on the behalf of another. (Ezekiel 22:30)
    • ‘On behalf of’ means you are the spoke person or representative of the person for whom you are interceding
    • You are not an intercessor if there is no gap.
    • Intercessory prayer is standing in the gap on behalf of another.

Prayer of Binding and Loosing

  • There must be someone in the earth that’s binding something and loosing something in this earth realm that’s already bound or loosed in heaven. That means “YOU” must know what’s going on in heaven before you can effectively do this. (See Pastor Mike’s notes from 3/6/2022)
  • Matthew 18:18
    • You are the one that must initiate this one.
    • You bind what you don’t want and you loose what you do want to see in the earth.
    • You must know what’s going on in heaven to effectively use binding and loosing.
    • Binding and loosing requires only one person.

Prayer of Agreement/Corporate Prayer

  • Two or more agreeing (in harmony) on earth as touching. If the two of you are not in agreement, it is not the prayer of agreement.
  • Acts 12:1-17 (NKJV)
    • Agreement requires at least two people
    • Agreement means to harmonize
    • Agreement is so powerful that the enemy does not want us to agree.
    • There is a power that is released when you have agreement
    • Corporate Prayer (same as agreement)

Jesus said when I see two or three gathered, I am in the midst of them. Jesus wants to be the center of our lives. When HE is in the center, HE can touch everything.

  • Ecclesiastes 4:9, 12
    • Verse 9 two are better than one
    • Verse 12 – a threefold cord is not easily broken because Jesus is a part of the threefold…He is in the midst.
  • James 5:13-15 NKJV
    • vs.13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray (Prayer of Petition)
    • vs. 14 Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him (switch- Prayer of Agreement)
    • vs. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick…This is you using your authority in the earth realm (switch- Prayer of Faith/Authority) Note: If someone says all prayer is prayed in faith, let them know that they are correct. However, in the Prayer of Faith/Authority, I am exercising your authority.
  • Acts 12:5 (NKJV)
    • Constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. (Corporate Prayer)
  • Acts 12:6-12 (NKJV)
    • …where many were gathered together praying. (Corporate Prayer)


Pastor Deborah Grant

Prayer of Faith/Petition (Mark 11:22-24)

  • The rule of engagement for this type of prayer
    • You must believe that you have received when you pray.
    • 1 John 5:14 Confidence in prayer comes when we pray according to His will. We know he hears, and we have it.

Prayer of Binding and Loosing:

  • Matthew 18:18 Consider a situation or circumstance that may be happening in someone’s life: for example, they are experiencing sickness in their body. They would use their authority and bind up sickness and loose health and healing. It is important to use your authority to bind the plots of the enemy and loose the will of God.
  • Pastor Dewayne shared that sometimes we may simply loose the will of God without saying “I bind this activity”. As in Luke 13:12 when Jesus said to the woman that was bowed over for 18 years, “Women, you are loosed from your infirmity.”

Prayer of Intercession:

  • Ezekiel 22:30 praying on the behalf of another, standing in the gap making up the hedge.
  • Ask God what you should be asking Him
    • Is there a situation that’s coming or exists that needs intercession?
    • Holy Spirit will show us things to come.
  • Get involved in prayer. We are the managers of the earth.
    • Every believer should pray and intercede.
    • Sin, lack of knowledge, negative confessions, and fear break down the hedge. (Job 1:10)

Prayer of Agreement:

  • Matthew 18:19-20
    • There must be at least two of you.
    • Agreement must be based on the word and will of God.
    • You must pray, and not just agree verbally to something being right or needful.
  • Example: Acts 12:5-17
    • Peter was kept in prison
    • This was a type of corporate prayer.
    • Their agreement was so powerful. Peter was released by an angel and showed up to the house where they were praying.

Prayer of Thanksgiving:

  • Philippians 4:6
    • When we truly believe that we have received what we have prayed, we will begin to thank God.
    • Thanksgiving should be a part of every prayer that we pray.
    • When we give thanks to God, we honor Him, and we magnify Him over the situation or matter we are praying about.