Discipleship in Prayer

Sunday, March 6, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


I have been meditating on the song, “Will You Be Ready When Jesus Comes”, by Commission, that I played at the beginning of service. I was wondering will the people of God be ready when Jesus comes. My role to you all is to prepare you to be ready…not just to demonstrate but to teach. The song is talking about the coming of Jesus Christ, however, I am talking about the coming of promotion and increase for which most believers are not ready. Subsequently, because they are not ready, they will miss out on moments that are designed to catapult them.

Famine, wars, rumors of wars, etc. that they were showing in the video, is that pre- rapture or post-rapture? It’s post-rapture according to Matthew 24. A lot of stuff that we have heard is not in the Bible. Let me tell you something: If you see the coming of the Lord on Facebook you have missed the rapture.

I want to engage you; I want you to think when you’re in here. I don’t want you to just take my Word… I want you to know.  I am teaching to make teachers.

Pastor Dewayne: It’s a sobering moment… you are preparing us. However, the song was asking Will you be ready? I’m already ready but my heart is to make sure that others that are lost are ready. We have a responsibility not to just be ready ourselves; the love of God will go beyond itself and think about others.”

The impetus (momentum, motivation) of my time with you is that I’m intentionally challenging you not only to be ready for the coming of the Lord but to also be ready for the opportunities that are coming your way. Opportunities are hidden in plain view, waiting to be recognized by those who have established the Law of Recognition. So today, I would like to lend you some of our experiences – both mine and Pastor Dewayne.

  • If I can lend you my experiences, I can enlarge your perspective.
  • If I can enlarge your perspective, I can enlarge your possibilities.
  • If I can enlarge your possibilities, I can enlarge your opportunities.

I sat under Dr. Price and took his experiences as my own. His life experiences created new perspectives for me. The new perspectives created new possibilities, and the new possibilities created new opportunities; thus, leading my life to where it is now. Now, they are my experiences to give unto you all so that you can be accelerated to your next wealthy place. I decree that it will not take you half the time that it has taken me.

Matthew 4:4

  • We must live by the Word of God
  • In a lot of ministries, people live off bread alone…
    • In some cases, Praise & Worship is just bread
    • Some Praise & Worship is not bread but crackers because of lack of scriptural content

Don’t get weary about the demand that I am making on you to get in the Word. I want to teach you to the degree that you are impressed with your own life!

Pastor Dewayne: “When you operate in the Word of God…it will cause you to look at your life sometimes and ask yourself is this a dream? You ask this question because you know in your own mind that without the Word you would not have been able to produce what you have produced. I don’t have a good marriage because of how smart I am or how smart Lisa is… It’s the Word of God that has caused it to last this long. Friends that I use to pick versus the friends that I have now are because of the Word. The friends that I picked before the Word are much different than the friends that I choose now that I am in the Word. The Word of God is what prepares us.

When you spoke of Matthew 4:4 regarding Jesus saying that Man should not live by bread alone, He was giving us the secret to life. You have been pouring out your heart to us. In what you have been saying you are really showing us that singing without the Word of God is nothing, praying without the Word of God is nothing, and Fasting without the Word of God is nothing.

The only thing that can stand all by itself is the Word of the Living God, and that’s why we must make sure that we are studying the notes that you send out weekly. We must embrace the notes as our very own. Once I get those notes they are no longer Pastor Mike’s notes they are my notes, because I embrace them as my own.”

Here’s to the Word!!!! The Word have I hid in my heart! The Word is a lamp unto my feet! The Word is the light!


What is prayer? Prayer is simply talking to and listening to God.

There are times when I have not heard the voice of God in my prayer time. I know that He speaks through the Word, so in prayer, I go to the Word and have Him speak to me. I speak back to Him in prayer, and we have this engagement.

I want to specifically address 2½ of the 8 types of prayers.

  • Binding & Loosing
  • Intercession
  • Agreement (a little)

This lesson from today is going to catapult your life more than you have ever expected… But only if you will take it home and begin to work it today.

Some of the things that may stand in the way are previous harvests from past dumb decisions.

I want to teach you how to pray to nullify some of the seeds that you have sown that are working against you.

Prayer of Binding and Loosing

  • Matthew 18:18 (NKJV/TPT/Message)
    • Sometimes you will do this on behalf of God and sometimes you will go to God concerning this.
    • The reason some things are running rapid in your life is simply that you have not bound it.
    • We can’t be like “O God can you stop this”, because God is looking like I told you to do it
  • God has given us the authority in the earth… to bind and take care of stuff in the earth
  • Whatever “YOU” forbid… the reason stuff keeps going on in your life is that “YOU” haven’t forbidden it.
  • A “Yes” on earth is A “Yes” in heaven

You have a problem with your enemy, but do you pray for your enemy. The Bible tells us to pray for our enemies.

Pastor Dewayne: “Christians have been trained to pray for themselves and not for their enemies. This happens because they have been taught to pray a one-sided prayer. God wants us to ask Him to tell us what He would have us to do. When you do this, you will know exactly what to forbid and what not to forbid.

Matthew 8 speaks of the Centurion, who asked Jesus to help his sick servant. But when Jesus was coming to his house, the Centurion didn’t feel worthy of that, so he told Jesus to speak the Word and his servant would be healed. Jesus spoke the Word and the Centurion’s servant was healed. This lets us know that there are times that we can take care of situations and correct them ourselves.

Pastor Dewayne: “Pastor Jeff made a statement that everyone should know the rules of engagement when you are operating in prayer. In binding and loosing sometimes you don’t have time to say I bind, and I lose. I believe that you can use your authority and lose something and at the same time that you are binding something. For example, Jesus walked over to this lady that had been bound for 18 years and He said thou are loosed from your infirmity. I saw in this that as Jesus used His authority to lose something He was binding the devil at the same time. Luke 13:16”

It’s conspicuous (evident, obvious) if I take care of one side of a thing, I automatically want the other side loosed.

  • If I bind sickness, I want health loosed.
  • If I bind confusion, I want peace loosed.
  • If I bind debt, I want prosperity loosed.

Matthew 18:19 teaches us about the prayer of agreement when it says when two of you get together and ask (this is where you set the agreement) and the rest of the verse says it will be done.

Verse 20 says that Jesus will be in the mist…That’s Powerful!!!!!

The devil knows this and tries to start so much contention because he knows that where two of you are touching and agreeing in the earth the Father in heaven hears and answers them.

There is systemic righteousness already set up in the earth. Once you plug in your yes, it’s done.

Pastor Dewayne: “The word “You”, keeps jumping out. People think that God is sovereign, and He can do whatever He wants to do. So instead of them taking authority in the earth, they are waiting on God to do it. God in the very beginning when He said, “let them have dominion”, locked Himself out. There are people waiting on God, and He said for “You” to do it and that’s why your stuff hasn’t manifested.”

Say, “I must be the one to initiate change in my life!”

God loves me. He loves me more than I can ever imagine. But He can’t do it if I don’t do it. He put the onus (responsibility, burden) on me.

Matthew 16:19

  • This scripture is written in the future tense…It says “I will give you the keys…”. However, after the Resurrection, Jesus is saying ‘I have given you the keys…’. So, since you have them, start using them.

Prayer of Intercession

Ezekiel 22:30

  • Intercession is doing something on behalf of another.
  • We are all commanded to pray the prayer of intercession
  • The unsaved need you to intercede on their behalf

Pastor Dewayne: “In this scripture, you see that God was looking for a man

to stand in the gap but found no one. He never found anyone throughout the Old Testament. Jesus was the only one that could stand in the gap – God found that one man in Jesus. Now because you and I are connected to Jesus, the things that He did we can do. He stood in the gap for you and me. He put His hand on God and He put His hand on man and pulled the two together so that we can have a relationship. Now God wants us to do the same thing. He wants us to put our hands on God and put our hands on people and bring them together with the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Genesis 18:16-33 NKJV

  • Abraham stood in the gap
  • Abraham got the attention of God with the attention of the righteous when he said will you destroy the righteous with the wicked…

It is not enough for you to listen to this lesson one time. You don’t have it like that. You need to go over it and over it and then go practice it.

I want you to be better prepared for life than some of the virgins were. Five of the virgins were foolish and they did not prepare themselves for the opportunity that was before them and ended up missing the feast. However, I want you to be like the five wise virgins, who prepared themselves and were able to enjoy the opportunity that was before them.

Let’s give them something to talk about Spirit of Faithians!!!!!!


  • Read 1 Chronicle 29 the entire chapter
  • Study the different types of prayer:
    1. Prayer of Petition
    2. Prayer of Agreement
    3. Prayer of Binding and Loosing
    4. Prayer of Consecration and Dedication
  1. Prayer of Intercession
  2. Prayer of Faith
  3. Prayer of Thanksgiving/Adoration

8. Praying in Holy Spirit