GO SOMEWHERE AND DIE… Denying Yourself

Sunday, August 21, 2022 – RECAP/Study Points


I pray that you are prospering in the area of Apologetics. It is my intent to create dimensions of ministry that will catapult you into new areas of faith, power, and authority. It will do your life well to definitely chime in. The lessons remain on YouTube/Facebook, you can always avail yourself to things you have missed.


Please endeavor to stay out of the no lack nation line. Some people have not consulted and acknowledged God with some of their purchases. Whatever is not in His will becomes your bill. With your choice, there is always an invoice.


The Bible says to rejoice when one leaves and morn when one comes, we do just the opposite. We are not in the bible; we do a lot of church stuff and a little bible stuff. God is not obligated to back up your church stuff, He is only obligated to back up your bible stuff.


Pastor Dewayne: When you decide to do what God has called you to do and want to add value to the lives of others because you see their lives as valuable, it’s a game-changer.

You are too alive when your feelings dictate to you how you should respond instead of the Word of God.


The Love of God came after you.


Pastor Dewayne: Most people can’t go after others with the love of God because they have not defined love properly. They have a love that has a reason to it. When you cut up, they have a reason for not coming after you. When you have agape, agape has no reason for why it does what it does.

Please scan to view this week’s service again!

Pastor Dewayne: Years ago, Pastor Mike made a statement that if the devil is telling you something, just do the opposite. It’s really impossible to know if satan is talking to you or not if you really don’t know the Word.

That’s where we are going from this series of Denying Yourself to Being Led by the Holy Spirit.


Here is how you address someone: “Listen, there are some things you have been doing that aren’t conducive to a love walk as a Christian and it has the appearance that you’re taking advantage of a situation, so let’s get that worked out.” The way you approach it is not to stop doing what you’ve been doing to be charitable and flow in generosity. I don’t want my flow of this distribution center to be cut off from others. When people need things, I’m there to supply them on behalf of the kingdom of God. Yet, if I start thinking they are taking advantage of me, I will start holding back. God’s hands and heart are never empty. Therefore, if His hands aren’t empty then Mike Freemans’ hands are not empty. But if your heart is empty and you don’t keep the love of God that the scripture says is shed abroad in Romans 5:5 in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. You will shut your heart off and your hands will go with it.


The love of God never fails. At times, you will have to look like a fool to walk in agape but if you’re dead you will not know it.


Thank God there are spiritual therapists and counselors. Go get therapy and then (die) deny yourself.


Matthew 16:24-25 (NKJV) “Me is much like He” statement means: Jesus is the good shepherd. I am a shepherd which means Pastor or Leader. Much like Jesus, I lead people. In this scripture the Apostle Paul is talking to the church at Corinth to follow him (Paul).

Is Paul Jesus? No

Are Paul and Jesus two separate people? Yes

The order of God (according to this scripture) is to follow a man. Yes, follow him as he follows Christ. How do you know the man is following Jesus when you initially meet them? He’s always pointing you to Jesus.

How do you know he is pointing you to Jesus? The Word of God

Here is what is important, when I minister lessons and distribute notes, you must go over them.

The scripture says to imitate, and this is what I did when I connected with Dr. Price. I said to God, I am going to follow this order and you are obligated to protect me if he is wrong. But I kept my eyes open. Watch as well as pray.


Pastor Dewayne: It’s important that we place the Word first, when you are sitting under someone, you want to make sure they are giving you the Word. They should be a model of the message they are giving, but make sure you are getting the message first. Because if the model turns left, the Word says go right, you go with the Word all the time.

People don’t know that those who are not focusing in, giving their ear, and leaning into what is being shared, that they are denying Jesus right now.

When you deny Him, you disqualify yourself from revealing Jesus in the earth.

Matt 16:25 (NKJV) many people are running after a way that can get them ahead. Instead of running after the way that God established.


When you let your feelings cast a vote, you will go back to that place of trauma. Trouble doesn’t last always but trauma can. You can traumatize yourself by replaying that footage.


Pastor Dewayne: The reason why it is easy for you to deny yourself is that  you have a “want to.” When you set your heart upon something, and you are not forced to. When you have a desire to do it, it is easy for you to grab hold of what you have that desire for – and it will cause you to be so focused, these little distractions you don’t pull over on the side of the road for.


Just like God desires to resurrect some things in your life, so does satan want to resurrect those fleshly things. Paul said I die daily.


Most people make money when they are out, you really aren’t wealthy until you’re making money while you are home.

Your heart must change towards how you view things.

The most underrated blessing is to leave the house and return.

When you go somewhere and die, you will see empowerment. The objective of this lesson is to seek out the element of empowerment that comes from living out the order of God concerning denying you.


Colossians 3:1-3 (NKJV)


Pastor Dewayne: Seek those things which are above and set your mind on them.


Romans 5:5 (NKJV)

Matthew 16:24-25 (NKJV)

Colossians 3:1-3 (NKJV)